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What days and times do you offer grooming?We offer grooming services from Tuesday through Saturday. We typically start booking at 9:00 AM and close between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM during weekdays, depending on daily demand and workload. Saturday is our busiest day, and we close between 6 PM and 8 PM. If you have special needs that do not fall within these times, please let our staff know and we will make every effort to accommodate you.
When should my puppy/kitten come in for its first groom?It’s important to have your puppy groomed as soon as possible so they can get used to and learn to love the grooming experience. We recommend they come in two weeks after their last set of vaccinations. We will not clip your puppy on their first visit to our salon as the evolution from a puppy to an adult coat is dependent on breed and a grooming regime will be suggested to suit your puppy.
How long does it take to groom my pet?The time taken will depend on the condition and length of your pooch’s hair. We will contact you prior to the end of the treatment to advise what time you should pick up your pooch. The amount of time it takes for pet grooming varies by breed and service, but you can usually plan on it taking 3-4 hours. Express services can be arranged upon request, shortening service time. Minor services, such as nail trims, take approximately 15 minutes and no appointment is necessary if you bring your pet between 9 AM and 2 PM. Express services are available for senior dogs and dogs who get anxious during grooming services. Ask a grooming associate for details.
How much does it cost for my pet to be groomed?Pricing is based on breed, hair length and coat type, the condition of your pooch’s, skin, its behavior and temperament, age, and grooming history. We will give an exact cost at your pre-grooming consultation. However please use the prices listed on our services page as guide pricing.
Will my pets be kenneled before/after the groom?The kennel is a great place for the pet to relax safely in-between steps of the grooming process. This allows each pet to have a quiet space when they are not being worked on by the bather or stylist. We keep kennel time as minimal as possible, and there is someone on hand to check on your pet frequently. Express services are available for senior dogs and dogs who get anxious during grooming services.
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