Non-Anesthetic Plaque Removal Service
This is a safe, gentle, and affordable way to have your pet’s teeth cleaned
Welcome to a healthy approach to dental cleaning where you no longer need to put your pet to sleep to have a dental scale and clean. Taking care of your pets oral health is the best way to prevent gum disease, tooth loss and expensive vet bills.
We use Essential Oils and all natural products to gently scale, clean and polish the teeth, removing all bacterial and tartar, giving your pet beautiful sparkling clean teeth. Safe, gentle, and risk free with no recovery time a great option for elderly dogs.
What happens during the procedure
An oral assessment is performed of teeth and gums. Patients with severe cases of gum disease and other oral health concerns will be referred to a Dental Vet Clinic. All the teeth surfaces are cleaned inside and out, removing the plaque build up, cleaning under the gum line and polishing the teeth surfaces with a deep teeth cleaning paste which is safe for dogs. After treatment is complete an antibacterial wash is applied to the teeth and gums. We recommend all our customers provide home care treatment in between professional pet teeth cleaning.